The Studio – latest update

From the outside not much has changed, except for some temporary window curtains which are just cut up old shower curtains from the Poundland shop. These will be replaced by the real deal which will be moveable, to soften the light.

You can see that I’ve put up my 2 backgrounds using screw-in cup hooks to hold up a small wooden rail.  This in turn holds a plastic pipe to which the background is glued.

Hopefully some more work will go on soon. The studio has already been used, but not often because it is just too hot as the studio is south facing.
Seat tops will be my next job and hopefully some increased ventilation to improve airflow.

Did I say “that I hope to insulate the studio”?  Yes, I did – that’s a month or two away, when and if monies can be found for funding this.

Nothing of Great value is left in the studio.


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