Usually, visiting the Landscape Photography of the Year exhibition is a fixture on my calendar, and my family are used to the accompanying book appearing as a request each year on my Christmas list. It was in 2007 that Charlie Waite launched UK Landscape Photographer of the Year, an annual photography competition.
This year I was resigned to a vastly diminished experience, with only the book to savour. However, I later discovered that a selection of winning images would be available to be viewed at London Bridge train station. I am glad I had the opportunity to visit the exhibition one day.
After the I had visited the exhibition, I discovered a YouTube clip of Charlie Waite discussing the winning image of 2020 by Chris Frost. He gave details about the criteria for the competition and a critique on why the image was a winning one. I then came across other clips of different winning images in all the categories of the competition and more critiques by Charlie on why they are, in his view, successful. Fascinating! Charlie Waite discussing winning images LPOTY 2020
Yet I also noted how few views some of these clips have had. Why? So many of those belonging to Camera Clubs could have a valuable learning experience, and the pleasure of hearing from one of the masters of photography. I really don’t understand how there has been such a poor response!
I am now the proud owner of the book “Landscape Photographer of the Year”, book 13.
Just take a look at the image on the Part 1 post. This shows the images of the Living Britain category, youth class. These images taken by Jake Kneale in the exhibition were absolutely stunning and are included in the book. I can now lose myself in the images and allow them to draw me in to the landscapes, giving me a sense of freedom and peace, just as they had done at the exhibition. I am sure we all really need this at the start of 2021. Jake also has a black and white image which is in the book. Sadly I don’t remember seeing it at the exhibition, but I think it must have been there.
Another advantage of having the book is that one is able to find technical details of the equipment the photographer used, if that’s your thing, and should one wish to see more, there are notes on the photographers’ websites and/or social media links.
Do check out the link to Jake’s webpage:
He is a very successful young man in the world of photography.
As you can tell, I was really taken by Jake’s images. If you have the opportunity to see the exhibition or to own the book, then there is much to look forward to and enjoy from a distinguished group of fellow photographers.